Romance: Yes, Stepbrother! Page 2
“Yeah, I am. And I gave up a summer in India, thanks to you,” she replied, her tone dripping with fun sarcasm.
“Kylie Ann!” Her mother gasped. “Don’t be so rude! I taught you better than that.”
“You knew you wanted to see my face,” Brandon teased back, brushing his foot up against her leg under the table. “You just don’t want to admit it.”
Kylie giggled, and pushed a strand of hair away from her eyes. “Yeah. Maybe I did. I mean you were a kid the last time I saw you.”
“So were you,” he admonished. “But you really grew up. I’ll bet you have all the boys up at Penn State chasing you.”
He watched jovially as a blush spread over her cheeks and ears. “I knew it,” he chuckled.
“In all seriousness though,” he added, sobering a little. “I am sorry that you gave up India. But I’m really happy to see you.”
A soft smile lit up Kylie’s face, illuminating her eyes. “I’m really happy to see you too big brother,” she said softly.
For a second Brandon could have sworn that there was a moment sizzling between them. One of mutual desire, and sexual tension. Kylie had certainly grown from an annoying teenager, to a classy young woman who was set on saving the world.
“Oh come on she was just teasing,” Gerald laughed as he cut into his giant stack of blueberry pancakes. “Weren’t you, Kylie?”
Reluctantly, Kylie looked away from Brandon and smiled at her step- father. “Right-o daddy-o,” she replied saucily. “We were just teasing one another.
“Yeah, dad, just some harmless brother-sister fun,” Brandon chimed in. As he picked up his glass of orange juice and brought it to his lips, he desperately hoped that he was telling the truth. Though in his heart of hearts, he wasn’t quite sure.
“Yikes,” Brandon murmured as he took in his childhood room.
“Your dad wanted to ‘man it up’ a little bit, but my mom wouldn’t let him touch it,” Kylie explained. After breakfast, the happily united family went home, and while his dad watched the baseball game and Cassie went out to work in the garden, Kylie offered to show him his old room. He had forgotten how much he had enjoyed punk rock in his teens, but the mostly black and red posters of Blink 182, Sublime, Tool, and 3 Days Grace glaringly reminded him of a time that he painted his nails black and wore silver crosses around his neck.
“I was such a dork,” he murmured, picking up an old black leather forearm cuff.
“What do you mean was?” Kylie teased; pushing her hip away from the doorway so she could walk in and sit on his queen sized black-blanketed bed.
Brandon chuckled, and took a seat beside her on the bed. “Nice,” he replied, pushing at her knee. “I mean, I grew up a little. Don’t you think?”
Kylie ran her eyes down her brother’s muscular form, pausing at his pale green eyes and long, dark eyelashes. “Yeah,” she said truthfully. “You really did grow up.” A silence spread between them, but neither thought it was uncomfortable. Instead, Brandon grabbed Kylie’s left ankle and brought it into his lap.
“What are you doing?” Kylie asked as he started massaging the bottom of her foot.
“What does it feel like?” He asked, expertly gliding his thumbs over and around the pads of her foot.
Kylie relaxed into the pillows, immediately enjoying the massage. With no boyfriend in sight, she had only been relying on her semi-monthly pedicures for such a pampering. If this was what it was going to be like having Brandon home for the summer, she decided that she was very much going to like it.
“So what’s been going on with you?” Kylie asked, forcing herself to keep her eyes open as she thoroughly enjoyed her massage.
“What do you mean?” Brandon asked, purposely playing dumb.
Kylie rolled her eyes and gently kicked him with her other foot. It was mean to be a playful touch, but the moment her toes hit his side, she found herself glued there.
“Oh. You mean the whole fighting overseas thing,” Brandon said, immediately noticing her other foot. “It was…horrible,” he answered truthfully. “And people keep asking about it. About what I went through and what I saw, and honestly, it’s something that I never really want to talk about.”
“I’m sorry,” Kylie apologized, rubbing her other foot gently up and down his waist. “We don’t have to talk about it.”
“Switch,” Brandon said, letting go of her foot before wrapping his hands around the other. There was a small moment of silence before a smile crept over his face. “Although I will tell you about this one woman in my squad. I mean, I knew she had a crush on me, but I really didn’t know how far until we shared a plane ride to Texas.”
Kylie, sensing a juicy story, sat up in the pillows and grinned. “Do tell,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.
One Week Later
“Kylie? Kylie, what are you thinking about?” Daisy asked, shaking her friend’s arm.
“Hmm? What?” Kylie asked, lifting her chin out of her hand. “What was the question?”
Daisy giggled, and tossed her shoulder length black relaxed hair over her bare shoulder. She could tell when her childhood friend was thinking about a boy, and this was one of those moments. She needed the scoop.
“I was asking you what you were thinking about. But I think I need to rephrase and ask you who you were thinking about,” she replied.
A blush bloomed in Kylie’s pale cheeks and she lowered her head down so that she stuck her straw in her mouth without touching the glass. The sweet, alcoholic mix of her blueberry margarita slid up her straw and pumped in to her mouth, filling it with its dizzying goodness. It had been a week since Brandon had come home, and though she loved seeing her brother again. She was also very confused by everything that she was feeling for him.
He was her step- brother, her annoying, acne faced stepbrother who at one point had put gum in her hair. But he was no longer that immature kid. Brandon was now a man. A calm, mature, alpha that had starred in several of her fantasies since he had arrived home. The only problem was, he was her brother. Still, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to get him out of her mind.
So after days of trying to push herself into a hobby, or help her mother in the garden, or even volunteering at the local food bank, she called up her oldest friend, Daisy, and together they went to The Whistler. It was one of the three bars in their small town, and Kylie’s favorite. It had an old time saloon feel to it, with peanut shells and sawdust on the floor, and four old pool tables in the back that had seen better days.
The bartender/owner, Lou, was a sweet old man who always ended up giving Kylie and Daisy free drinks because of their sweet nature. That night the bar was surprisingly full. All of the pool tables had been taken up, and because of the local band there were a small crowd gathered around the makeshift stage. As usual though, Lou, sensing they were going to stop by, had saved them their favorite booth and had prepared them a batch of popcorn chicken.
“Spill,” Daisy said, nudging her friend with two of her long, pointed fingernails. “Who are you thinking about?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Kylie murmured, reaching out to grab a piece of chicken and dunk it into the barbeque sauce. “Can’t we just talk about something else?”
Daisy rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. “Hello? That’s what I’ve been trying to do! But you keep fading away from me. It’s like you can’t focus on anything but what’s going on in your head.”
“I’m sorry,” Kylie apologized. “It’s just that I- oh crap.”
“What?” Daisy asked, following her friend’s line of sight. Her eyes went large as she took in the sexy hunk that just walked in the door. “Tell me that is not your brother,” she said, her own fantasies already running wild.”
“Yep,” Kylie sighed, wishing the feeling of wanting would go away. “That’s him all right.”
Brandon had come through the door with two of his high school friends, Jake and Th
omas. From what Kylie could remember from the small town gossip, Jake had gone to school in Johnstown and had become an x-ray technician at their county hospital, and Thomas, not much for book smarts, took over his uncle’s auto repair shop that rested way back in the boonies. His customers were usually the old farmers that needed tractor repairs or, by some grace of God, ways to keep the hundred-year-old pickup trucks going.
“As I live and breathe,” Daisy said, letting her slight southern drawl come out a bit heavier than usual. “Brandon Baker.”
Brandon smiled down at Kylie’s old friend and opened his arms to receive her hug. “Hi Daisy. You’re looking good girl.”
Giggling, Daisy smoothed her hands down her pale yellow sundress, and once again tossed her freshly relaxed hair over her shoulder. “You’re lookin’ pretty good yourself there, soldier,” Daisy replied, batting her eyelashes.
“You girls remember Jake and Thomas don’t you?” Brandon asked, waving to his two friends.
“Oh I remember you,” Daisy replied, taking on a meaner tone. She bawled up her fists and planted them on her hips. “You two boys used always throw water balloons right at my hair!”
Jake had the decency to try and stifle his chuckle, whereas Thomas just flat out laughed.
“Well yeah,” Thomas laughed. “Because you always screamed the loudest.”
With an open hand Daisy swiped at his tanned, muscled shoulder. “That’s because black girls don’t like getting their hair wet. Especially when it just got done!”
This time Jake couldn’t fight back the laughter, and even Brandon had a hard time not joining in. It was a long time ago, but all three men could still remember how angry Daisy had been every time she got his with one of their water balloons. She’d stomp her little feet, curse the devil, and go running to Kylie.
“Well,” Jake said through his laughter. “To make up for such dirty deeds that we cast upon you ladies so long ago, what do you say you let us buy your drinks for the night?”
“Pssh, please,” Daisy said, folding her arms and rolling her eyes. “We all know ya’ll make diddly squat.”
“Actually, no. Not anymore. Jake here got promoted to chief technician, and I just landed an account at the grainery,” Thomas explained. As proof, he pulled out a wad of cash and flashed it in her face. “So please. Let us make it up to you?”
Kylie laughed with her entire body as she heard Jake and Brandon retelling the story about how Thomas had burned his eyebrows clear off of his face. She had felt a sense of dread when she first saw Brandon and the boys walk into the bar. But to her surprise, they were all actually having a really good time. They had ordered a few more appetizers, and just like Thomas and Jake had promised, they had gotten everyone a fresh round of drinks. Now, everyone was clearly buzzed, and having a great time recalling the shenanigans of their youth.
“Hey, can you scoot out?” Kylie asked Daisy. “I have to pee.” After the guys had arrived, the two girls had taken one side of the booth, and had given the boys the other.
“Oh, I’ll go too,” Daisy said, taking her hand. “Come on girl.”
Together the two young women made their way back to the one stall unisex bathroom, where they took turns holding the door shut for one another.
“You know, I kind of expected Thomas to have a big old beer gut like his daddy and uncle did,” Daisy mused as she hovered above the toilet seat. “But he’s actually in really good shape.”
“That surprised me too,” Kylie admitted, prancing back and forth against the door, waiting her turn. “So you really haven’t seen him?”
Daisy had decided to get her associate’s degree, but stopped there. With the connections her mother had, and her degree, she’d been able to land a job at the bank as an assistant manager. Unlike Kylie, Daisy was a homebody, and had no desire to go out and see the world.
From inside the stall Daisy flushed the toilet, straightened her dress, and came out. As they switched places, she answered Kylie’s question. “I haven’t worked at the teller stations in a while, but honestly, I don’t think he comes in at all. He runs a cash business and the old cabin he stays in was bought and paid for before he was even born,” she explained.
Once done, the girls washed their hands and headed back out to their booth, where they were surprised to see that the seating arrangements had been changed.
“What’s this?” Daisy asked, raising an eyebrow. “Us girls got to stick together you know.”
Jake got up out of the booth and leaned down to whisper into Daisy’s ear. “Actually Thomas was hoping to sit next to you, and I was hoping to sit next to Kylie. You know, to get to know each other again.”
Daisy smiled coyly, and gave a subtle nod. “All right,” she whispered. “But if there’s any unwanted handsy stuff from you or him, I’m kickin’ both your asses,” she warned.
“On my honor ma’am,” Jake replied, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Honey I’m going to sit on this side with Thomas, okay? Why don’t you sit over there with Brandon and Jake?”
“Yeah man,” Jake said, motioning for Brandon to come out of the booth. Why don’t you let Kylie slide in there and you can sit on my other side?”
“I’m fine here,” Brandon said simply. Before Jake could argue, Kylie slid into the booth right up to her brother and patted the outside seat beside her.
“You sitting down or not?” She asked.
Jake held back a sigh of frustration, and slide in beside her. At least it was better than nothing, he thought. Once again the table fell easily into conversation, and another round was ordered. By that time, everyone was getting overly affectionate with one another; even Thomas and Daisy had their arms wrapped around one another as if they had been dating for years.
“I can’t believe I’m actually going to say this,” Kylie admonished as she took in the lighthearted scene. “But this actually turned into a really nice night. It looks like boys can turn into men after all!”
Brandon’s hand landed softly on her bare, smooth thigh, and he smiled over at her fondly. “I’ll drink to that,” he said, raising his glass of beer.
“Here, here!” Thomas yelled, encouraging the toast. Together all five of them raised their glassed to the center of the table and toasted the night. Kylie, needing something to distract her from the warm hand that was rest on her cool, naked thigh, downed the rest of her drink. She both loved and hated that she had decided to wear such short shorts. Brandon’s touch was sending warm, intoxicating little shivers up her spine, even though he was barely moving his hand. On her other side, Jake looked a little too drunk, and ready to try some touching of his own.
Tentatively, he put his arm around Kylie, hoping that she would be okay with the intimate touching. Kylie froze as she felt the arm go around her, and her eyes darted between her brother and his friend. Neither was looking at her, but instead was focused on one another. She felt a discomfort rising above them, and suddenly felt as if the night would not end on a good note if they didn’t call it soon.
“Hey, um, you know what? I think I’m a little bit too buzzed,” Kylie confessed, laughing at her own incapacity to handle alcohol. “Daisy, how do you feel?”
“Nowhere near good enough to drive,” she confessed, leaning heavily into Thomas’s shoulder.
“Me either,” Thomas admitted.
Jake, trying to be the hero, spoke up. “Hey if you guys want, I have an empty house all to myself with couches and a couple spare bedrooms. It’s only a block away, so if you want to crash with me I’m cool with it.” He looked over to Kylie, hopeful. “What do you say there, chick?”
“I’m good to drive,” Brandon said, answering the question for her. “I’ll get us home.”
“Great!” Daisy gushed, standing shakily on her feet. “Thomas, are you cool with crashing with me at Jake’s?”
“Hell yeah!” Thomas said, sliding out of the booth. “Let me just go take care of the tab.” As he did so, Jake turned
back to Brandon, looking him over carefully.
“Are you sure you’re okay to drive man?” He asked.
“Fit as a fiddle,” Brandon promised. “Really. We’ll be fine.”
Jake’s eyes passed over Brandon and Kylie, who were still the only ones sitting in the booth. “All right. Well get home safe you two, and call me in the morning man.”
“Will do buddy,” Brandon assured him.
Together the group stood up and walked outside. Each of them hugged Kylie then Brandon, and started wobbling down the street towards Jake’s house. Before Jake turned to follow them, he pulled out a slip of paper and pushed it into Kylie’s hand.
“I know you’re only home for the summer,” he said, with a coy smile. “But, if you were interested in having some fun before you go back to school, I hope you’ll give me a call.”
Kylie felt a blush rise in her cheeks as she took the slip of paper into her hand. “Wow, um- thanks Jake,” she stammered. “If I’m interested I’ll definitely give you a call.”
Jake’s smile faltered at her answer, but he quickly regained his composure. It was not the excited yes he’d been hoping for, but it wasn’t a flat out turn down either.
“Great! Well, goodnight.”
Without another word Jake turned on his heel and headed down the street in an attempt to catch up to Thomas and Daisy, who were actually headed the wrong way.”
“Are you really okay to drive?” Kylie asked, turned to Brandon.
He shook his head. “No. But I didn’t feel like spending the night trying to protect you from Jake either. Come on. The motel is just a street down. I already promised Lou I’d be back to get my car in the morning.” He held out his hand, and waited for her to take it. For a moment she just stared at it, letting the mixture of excitement and nerves wash over her.
Kylie’s mind raced as she looked over the bedroom Brandon had gotten for them. To his credit, he had tried for a double room, but the motel only had king size beds available. In the lobby, he purchased a few bottles of water and a bottle of four-dollar red wine for them. Currently Brandon was unscrewing the cap and pouring it into two cups for each of them.