Romance: Yes, Stepbrother! Read online

  Table of Contents

  Yes, Stepbrother!

  The BBW Stepmom Gets Double Teamed

  Tempting My Best Friend’s MILF

  The Beach House, Our Secret

  The BBW MILF Gets Taken Rough

  The Naughty Teacher

  A Billionaire Rancher to Marry

  In Too Deep with the Montana Cowboy Brothers

  Hellfire Montana

  Reverse Cowgirl on the Billionaire Cowboy

  Spread Wide by the Well Endowed Cowboy

  Awakened by the Alien Prince

  Conquered by the Alien Warrior

  Pregnant with the Heir to Planet Golar

  Pregnant by my Alien Protector

  Examining Her Purity, a Medical Romance

  Exposed by the Doctor & Her Nurse, a Medical Ménage Romance

  Dr. Dale Takes Laura’s Innocence

  Undressed by Dr. Ryan

  Too Tight for the Doctor

  Humiliated at the Doctor’s Office

  Yes, Stepbrother!

  By: Annie V.

  Yes, Stepbrother!

  ©Annie V. 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains explicit content intended for readers 18+ years old.

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  Excitement coursed through Brandon’s veins as he boarded the flight from Germany to Houston, Texas. From there, he’d have to hop on another plane in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and then one last tiny one down to Hagerstown, Maryland where his rental car would be waiting for him at the airport. Six years. It had been six years since the top of his class marine had been home. He was more than ready to see his family again. To hug his mother, shake his father’s hand, and kid around with his little sister Kylee again.

  He had missed them all so much, but the Marines had needed him. Like the great soldier that he was, he rose quickly through the ranks, making his way up the military ladder until he had been leading his own squads into endless operations. He was good at what he did, and because of that, he had earned some much-needed time off. Though he got roughly a week off a year, this would be the first time he ever got three months and a paid ticket back home.

  A clap on his uniformed back brought Brandon out of his thoughts, and he turned his closely shaved head to the woman standing beside him. Private Winona Flynn was a good-looking woman and a great soldier. She was new to his squad, but that hadn’t made her any less valuable. She had amazing aim with her bullets and knock left hook that had won her a lot of money in the bi-weekly boxing matches the soldiers had been holding for fun. She was strong, beautiful, and intelligent. Most of all though, she was interested.

  “How are you Sir?” Winona asked. Her thin, pink lips stretched back to reveal a smile of perfectly white and straight teeth.

  Brandon relaxed as he saw a familiar face, and returned the smile. “Please, call me Brandon when we’re not on duty,” he implored. “And I’m doing fine, thank you. Just thinking about grabbing a cup of coffee.”

  Winona lifted a delicate brow. “Coffee? But it’s a night flight. Don’t you want to catch some sleep before hit the United States?”

  Brandon shrugged his large, muscular shoulders, and shook his head no. “I can’t sleep on planes,” he replied simply. “I’ve never been able to. After all the time I’ve spent on them, I’ve decided to just accept that fact and pull an all-nighter any time I fly.”

  Winona’s lips pursed together and she let out a low whistle. “That sounds rough,” she mused. “Do you want to try some of my sleeping pills?”

  He thanked her for her generosity, but politely turned her down. After all, he knew his body better than she did, and he was craving a final cup of good German coffee anyways. He had twenty minutes before the plane boarded, so he headed down the long corridor in search for the hot brew. As he made his way through the terminal, he couldn’t help but notice how many women stopped what they were doing to look up and stare at him.

  Though he knew he was supposed to be modest, Brandon had always been a self-aware kind of guy. He knew that with his cocoa powder skin, light green eyes, and dazzling white teeth he was quite the handsome specimen. It didn’t hurt either that he had an extremely muscular build; the kind women yearned for on the covers of their romance books.

  Through his travels, he had been able to sample every kind of woman there was, and he had immensely enjoyed it along the way. However, after years of playing around, he had grown weary of the easily pursued, and craved something with a little more sustenance. The woman at the coffee kiosk only emphasized his feelings towards the matter.

  Her eyes were cornflower blue set beneath dainty golden eyebrows and matching long straight hair. Her entire face lit up when she saw him approach her, and he immediately thought about turning around and just waiting for a cup of coffee on the plane. As she bounced on her toes though, he knew he was too late, and that social interaction was about to take place. Fighting back a grimace, Brandon plastered a fake smile on his face and placed his order with the young woman.


  Winona couldn’t hide her smile when she saw that it was Brandon that was actually in the seat beside her on the plane. It was something that she had hoped for, but wasn’t quite sure if it would pan out or not. After all, the draw of the tickets was random, and there were six other Marines that were headed back to the states for an extended vacation.

  “Hey, looks like we’re going to be seat buddies,” Winona mentioned as she approached her row. Brandon gave her a small smile, and continued to put his bag in the overhead compartment. When he was done, he slid into his seat and brought his large cup of coffee to his lips.

  Though she wanted to hear his voice and see his eyes light up with laughter, Winona was at a loss for words. She had tried several times over the last year to try and get the man’s attention, but it had been no use. He was, at all times, completely professional with her.

  “So,” Brandon asked her as she sat down. “Which part of the states are you headed to?”

  It was the first time that he had actively tried to talk to her, and it filled Winona with excitement. “Me? Oh, well I’m just flying to Texas. My family lives down there and I don’t really have any friends outside the military, so-wow. I’m talking really fast, aren’t I?”

  Brandon chuckled and nodded his head. “Yeah. But that’s okay. I know what you mean. All of my friends are military too. Except for my family and maybe one or two friends back home, I haven’t heard from anyone I used to be friends with before I joined the Marines.” He took another sip of his strong alcohol laced coffee, and nodded his head, recalling the memory.

  “It was like I had this huge list of people that just absolutely swore to write me
and keep in touch. By the time basic training was over though, they had all forgotten about me.”

  Winona felt an ache in her heart for her superior. She knew the feeling all too well. In high school she’d been surrounded by the popular girls and was even one of them. As soon as she enlisted though, it was as if they all disappeared. Every now and then her mom would write in a letter about a birth or a baby, but that was the only way she stayed in touch with them.

  “It sucks doesn’t it?” She asked softly. In the background the flight attendant was going over the safety procedures. Winona had been flying so many times now though that she had them all memorized by heart.

  “What does?” Brandon asked.

  “Being forgotten.”


  Kylie rolled her eyes as she heard her step- father call for her for the thousandth time. “I’m coming!” She yelled down the stairs, her hands busy with the curling iron in her hair. “I’m almost done!”

  “Hurry up, up there! Gerald called up to his twenty-one-year-old step-daughter. Your brother is going to be home any minute!”

  Kylie fought the urge to roll her eyes again, and finished curling her hair. Though she was happy for the summer vacation, she was still getting used to living with her parents again. It had been her first summer home since she’d left for college, and she had forgotten how micro- managing both of their personalities was. After taking one final look in the mirror, Kylie fluffed her bright red curls and ran a finger underneath her left eye to clean up the black eyeliner there. Perfect.

  “Hi baby girl,” her mother sang as Kylie came down the stairs and into the kitchen. She could see that the older woman was excited for her Brandon’s homecoming, and Kylie soon found her mother’s smile to be contagious.

  “I can’t believe that both of my babies are going to be home at once!” She squealed, bringing Kylie in for a super tight bear hug. Like her daughter; Cassie had bright red hair, pale Irish features, and brilliant green eyes that matched the green of the most fecund of forests. The only difference was where Kylie was smooth and wrinkle free, her mother was not.

  “I know mom,” Kylie gasped, not able to breathe in her mother’s tight embrace. “I’m excited to be home too.”

  Because they’d grown up in a small town, both Kylie and Brandon had yearned for a way to escape. Being four years older than her, Brandon decided to take the military route, and joined the marines. Kylie however had chosen the philanthropic path. While on any school breaks, Kylie normally volunteered her time to go to wherever help was needed. Whether it be as far away as Africa, or as close as the Carolina’s, Kylie almost always dedicated her free time to helping out the less fortunate.

  Her original plan for the summer had been to go to Panama and help with child vaccinations. However, when her mother Gerald found out that her stepbrother, Brandon, was coming home for a three-month visit from being stationed in Germany, they begged her to cancel her plans and come home so that they could all once again be a family.

  She wasn’t going to lie. She’d missed her family, often and very much. But since she’d gotten accepted into Penn State, her mind had been completely focused on social economics, and making the world a better place.

  “We’re just so proud of you two!” Cassie gushed, giving her daughter another rib crushing squeeze to emphasize her point.

  “Mom,” Kylie gasped. “Can’t. Breathe.

  “Easy there honey,” Gerald said as he entered the room. “We just got her home, let’s not crush her so quickly.”

  “Thanks Ger-I mean dad,” Kylie replied. Though he and her mother had been married for nearly twelve years, she was just starting to get used to the idea of calling him dad. It wasn’t really because he wasn’t a good father figure. When it came to things of that nature, he was actually pretty brilliant. He had taken her to ever FFA Meeting, every debate club meeting, and had even helped her pick out her junior prom dress when her mother had to work late. He was a great guy, and she liked that her mother had found such a good man.

  The only reason she hadn’t wanted to call Gerald dad was because of the reason she came home; Brandon. Though it had been years since she’d seen him, she still recalled the young pre-teen crush she’d had on him growing up. To her, Brandon had been a God. Great body, beautiful eyes, and though he teased her like a big brother teased a little sister, he was always quick to protect her when the older kids had tried to mess with her.

  Over time, she found her crush for him grew, and figured that if she just refused to call Gerald dad, then Brandon would not be her brother. It had made perfect sense at the time, but now as an adult, she realized how silly she’d been with the entire thing.

  “So where’s he at anyways?” Kylie asked, picking up an orange. “I’m starving! I want to go get breakfast.”

  “As soon as your brother’s home dear,” Cassie soothed, running a placating hand over her daughter’s hair.


  In the driver’s side of the car Brandon shook his head, trying to get the awkward plane ride out of his head. Though he had tried being nice to Winona, it had ended up turning around and biting him in the ass. She was, by all accounts, obsessed. What had started out as a pretty normal conversation had twisted into something different all together.

  None of that mattered now though, because he was finally home. Stepping out of the car, Brandon inhaled deeply. He took in the pure country air of his childhood home and he was instantly filled with fond memories. He remembered riding bikes up and down the dirt road, going swimming in the pond behind the barn, and getting together with his buddies to play practical jokes on Kylie and her little friends. Turning towards the door, he smiled widely, seeing his step- mother poking her head through the curtains of the window above the sink.

  Chuckling, he waved at her and made his way towards the door. Cassie, who threw her arms around his broad shoulders, met him on the sidewalk. Happy to see her, Brandon lifted her up and twirled her around in his arms.

  “You’re finally home! My baby boy is home!” Cassie cried, holding on to him tightly. Though he was born someone else’s son, she had always considered him her own. He was and had always a spirited boy, with a wide protective streak that she had appreciated time and time again. Though they’d teased one another at first, he had eventually become very protective of her daughter. For that she would be forever grateful and grateful.

  “Hey mama,” Brandon whispered, finally setting the older woman on her feet. “It’s good to see you.”

  Cassie put her hands around Brandon’s face and kissed his cheeks. “I’ve missed you so much,” she gushed.

  “Cassie, let the poor man go, would you? He needs to breathe,” Gerald teased. “Step aside and let a man see his son.”

  Though she knew he was joking, Cassie moved aside anyways and let her husband come up to his only son. Brandon and Gerald wrapped their arms around one another in a tight, masculine hug. For a long time, they were the only family they had. At least until Cassie and Kylie came along. After several minutes, Gerald pulled away, and wiped a tear from the corner of his left eye.

  “Damn son. You look real good. Strong. I’m so proud of you, you have no idea.” Gerald clapped him on the shoulder again. “Your mother and I are just so damned proud.”

  “Thanks dad,” Brandon replied, feeling the love and happiness swelling up in his chest.

  “Don’t forget about me,” A feminine voice called from behind him.

  Turning around, Brandon’s eyebrows went up in surprise as he looked over the tall, feminine figure that was, at one time, his baby sister. “Kylie? Is that you?”

  The young redhead smiled prettily through her plump pink lips, and nodded her head. “Hi big brother.”

  Brandon ignored the initial feeling of arousal and opened his arms to take the beautiful young woman into his chest. Giggling, she stepped into his arms and wrapped them tight around his waist. It had been a long time since they’d seen one another, and they had grown up so
much since then.

  In Brandon’s arms, Kylie couldn’t help but lean in and relax into the hard, chiseled, muscular chest that belonged to her stepbrother. He smelled of leather and saw dust somehow, but she loved it. He smelled like home.

  “Okay, you two, okay,” Gerald laughed, clapping his son on his back. “Let’s go get breakfast shall we? We’re all starving.”


  Brandon’s eyes felt as if they had been glued to Kylie’s bosom. Her low cut white sundress dipped perfectly down into the V of her cleavage, enhancing the alabaster flesh that lay beneath the innocent looking white dress. She was a girl no more, and instead a full blown sexy woman.

  “Brandon? Sweetheart are you okay?” Cassie asked, her hand resting on his naked forearm. After their greeting, Brandon had opted to change out of his uniform and dawned a baby blue V-neck shirt and a pair of jeans. It had been a long time since he’d felt someone touch the naked flesh of his arm, and he jerked at the interaction.

  “Sorry mom,” Brandon murmured, turning his head to focus on Cassie.

  “Maybe this was a bad idea,” she whispered, looking suddenly guilty.

  “No, really. I’m fine,” he promised, closing his hand over hers. “There are just some things that I need to get used to again. Like a decent meal for example.” He looked up as the waitress juggling their plates approached their table, and he quickly got up to help her sit them down.

  “Thanks cutie,” she said with a wink before leaving the table.

  “So, Kylie. What’s new with you? Still studying economics?”

  Kylie finished her sip of coffee and nodded her head. He couldn’t help but notice how her eyes lit up when he said the word economics, and it made him chuckle. He liked how passionate she was on the subject, and how committed she had become to making the world a better place.