Romance: Yes, Stepbrother! Read online

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  When it was all over, they all collapsed on the bad and Crow slammed his lips against hers, then said. “Can I stay here with you and dad, new mommy?”

  “As long as you fu** me like that every day you can.” They all laughed.

  He did stay, and his father never found out. During the night, Harry was the one she loved, and during the day, Crow was the one she fu**ed.

  It worked out great for all of them.

  Tempting My Best Friend’s MILF

  By: Naughty Nicole

  Tempting My Best Friend’s MILF

  © Naughty Nicole 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

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  Chapter One

  “Dude, your stepmom is HOT! How did your dad manage to score that one?” Dante smiled and punched Clint in the arm.

  “Stop it!” Clint punched him back. “I don’t want to think about her like that.”

  “But you do, don’t you?” Dante prodded.

  “Dude, come on. I can’t go there.” Clint protested.

  “It’s not like she is your real mom. Hell, she is like ten years older than you. Just ‘cause she married your dad doesn’t make her less hot. I have been beating off to her.” Dante laughed and made obscene hand gestures. “You ever see her coming out of the shower?”

  “Yeah, once,” Clint admitted shyly.

  “So, what was it like? How were her tits?” Dante’s eyes lit up.

  “Fuckin’ huge dude,” Clint cupped his hands near his chest to indicate the grandness of his stepmom’s breast.

  “Is she shaved?” Dante kept trying to complete his mental image of Stephania.

  “Dude, stop. I have to live with her. She is sleeping with my dad. But no, she has a landing strip.” Clint stared at the floor.

  There was a knock on Clint’s bedroom door. Both boys jumped at the sound. Stephania opened the door a crack. “What are you boys up too?”

  Both boys blushed violently and buried themselves in their phones. “Nothin’, just hanging out.” Clint prayed she would just leave.

  Stephania pushed the door open a little wider. She was dressed in a thin summer dress and both boys noticed she was not wearing a bra. Her large, remarkably perky breasts strained against the fabric and her nipples were highlighted in the thin cotton.

  “We are going to barbecue for dinner. Dante, would you like to join us?”

  Clint cut his eyes at his best friend and tried to transmit his thought “No!”

  “That would be great Mrs. Lowell. Thanks!”

  “Great! We will throw another steak on for you. How do you like it?” Her wide smile flashed at her new son’s friend.

  “Medium-rare, thanks,” Dante smiled back.

  Stephania closed the door and departed. “Dude, your mom is into me. Did you see that? She came in here all sexy and shit and smiled at me! I could totally see her nips!”

  “She is like that all the time. She walks around here showing off her tits and ass. She swims topless even when she knows I am home. Its awkward.” Clint flipped through his text messages so he wouldn’t have to look at his friend. As he looked at his screen his eyes caught a glance of Dante’s shorts.

  “Really man! You’re sporting a semi! You got to get that shit under control if you are going to have dinner with us.”

  Dante laughed. “I think she wants it. I am sure I could give it to her good.”

  “Fuck off dude,” Clint pushed his friend back.

  * * * * *

  “Boys, we are going to eat in ten minutes. Come on down and join us!” Stephania called up the stairs at Clint’s closed door.

  Clint looked at Dante, “Keep your shit together tonight. I don’t want my stepmom to think you are some sort of perv.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t hit that until she asks me for my big ol’ dick,” Dante grabbed his crotch and pumped the air.

  The two high school seniors descended the staircase to the grand dining room. “Stephania, where we eating tonight?” Clint bellowed.

  “We will be on the back deck. The sunset should be amazing tonight.” She shouted back.

  The boys made their way to the back deck. It backed up to a private beach in Santa Monica. The main table sat near the barbecue and back door. They had a more casual dining area set up near the endless pool that appeared to spill over directly onto the beach. The main table was set with their casual white china, a couple of bottles from the private cellar, and hurricane lamps with lit tea lights.

  Stephania was pouring wine for each table setting. She had changed into a slinky black dress than ended at her mid-thigh showing the tail of the scorpion tattoo that began at the back of her knee. She had put on a bra, but this only highlighted her ample assets. Her deep cleavage spilled out of the top of her dress. The back of her skirt rose higher than the front due to her round apple bottom.

  “Fuck dude, you need to hit that,” Dante whispered to Clint.

  “I told you to keep your shit together,” Clint scolded.

  The boys reached the table. “Where do you want us to sit?” Clint asked.

  “Anywhere. I know you are underage, but I assume you both want a little wine with dinner?” Stephania indicated the filled glasses at each place setting.

  “Thanks!” Dante pulled out a chair and sat down. Clint sat next to him.

  “Hungry guys?” Stephania asked as she brought over a plate of steaks each labeled with a small silver marker indicating temperature they were done to.

  “I am!” Clint’s dad bellowed as he walked out onto the deck. “Clint, how was your day?”

  “Good. Can’t wait to be done and out of that school next month. So sick of high school.” Clint reached for a steak.

  “Dante, you decide what you are doing next year?” Samuel asked.

  “Yeah, just going to go to community college to take a few business classes. My dad wants me to work with him. He says I need a little school learning, but since I am going to take over the company I should just work for him and learn the ropes. Better to learn in the real world than fill my head with theories I will never use.” Dante had known since he was ten he was destined to take over his father’s construction empire.

  “He is a smart man. College is good for some people but your dad’s business is so expansive you aren’t going to learn the right stuff in school. Better to just work for him.” Samuel sat and took a sip of wine, “Nice choice, honey!”

  Stephania smiled. She had chosen a couple of bottles she and Samuel had picked up on their honeymoon in the south of France. “Brings back good memories,” she smiled at her husband and unconsciously rubbed the spot on her ass where he had bit her during an impromptu fuck in the vineyard the wine was sourced from. Samuel gave her a half-smile at their secret exchange.

  Stephania sat down with the three men. Samuel raised his glass, “Cheers!”

  The four toasted and set in to passing the side dishes around the table.
  “Yum! I love the beets!” Dante dug into the beet salad with fresh goat cheese.

  “Glad you like it. I always enjoy a good beet.” Stephania laughed. Samuel shot her a glance. He understood her double entendre but was not comfortable with her playing this fast and loose with their little secret in front of the boys.

  “So, I have to go out of town on business this weekend. It was a surprise to me today. My client has some international crises and they want me to fly to England to consult on how to deal with five million defective units that could be bad for them.” Samuel dug into his steak. “Sorry I am going to miss seeing Halle.”

  “You have another date?” Stephania looked at Clint. “This makes three, right?” She raised her eyebrows at her stepson.

  “Yeah, we were going to a beach bonfire with a bunch of friends. End of the year thing.” Clint brushed off the inquiry and implication that this would be a date he and Halle would have sex.

  “Have a s’more for me,” Samuel smiled at his son. “She’s cute. I hope it goes well.”

  “She’s okay,” Dante interjected, “But she is so tiny. I would worry about breaking her with a handshake.”

  Clint cut his eyes at his friend.

  “You would be surprised Dante. Even the smallest of girls can be quite resilient.” Stephania shot a big smile at him. “When I was younger, I was a tiny little thing. Never had a problem with a man breaking me,” she quietly laughed at this. “Even Sam, at his full six-five self, doesn’t hurt me.”

  Samuel glared at his new wife. He had loved her openness and flirtiness when they were dating. However, he did not approve of this when she spoke to his son.

  “So, Dante, who are you dating,” Samuel tried to redirect the attention from his own son.

  “No one right now, sir.” Dante took another bite of his steak and washed it down with the wine.

  “I am sure you will find a nice girl soon. Just be careful. Once you graduate girls will start wanting to marry you for your money. I learned that the hard way. When I came into my inheritance at twenty-one, girls started throwing themselves at me. Many were beautiful and they were all willing to do things for me but all they wanted was my money.” Samuel cautioned.

  “Not me! I liked you for that sexy body and your big brain.” She smiled at her new husband and squeezed his knee under the table. “And Clint is a chip of the ol’ block.”

  Clint smiled then stared at the chard on his plate.

  Samuel leaned over and kissed his wife. “You were quite a catch yourself.” He returned her squeeze under the table.

  Chapter Two

  “Clint, Halle is here,” Stephania shouted from the foyer.

  Clint flew down the stairs. The last thing he wanted is his new stepmother over-sharing information with his date. “I will be back late. We will be down by the pier for the bonfire.” Clint grabbed his keys from the bowl on the table next to the door. He wrapped his arm around his date and ushered her out to the driveway.

  “So, how is the new stepmom working out?” Halle asked.

  “Fine, I guess.” Clint clicked the key fob and opened the door to the new Explorer in the driveway. This had been his early graduation gift. The two climbed in and headed out for the beach.

  As they drove down the freeway Halle rested her hand on Clint’s thigh. “So, we just hanging at the bonfire tonight?” her hand slowly ran up Clint’s thigh.

  “Don’t know. What were you thinking,” he asked. He didn’t want to appear to pressure Halle into sex, but he hadn’t been laid since he broke up with Lana three months ago.

  “I don’t know. I was thinking we might take advantage of this big back seat and the blankets we got for the beach.” Her hand reached his cock tucked into his pant leg. She squeezed gently.

  “We may just have to do that.” Clint smiled and turned up the radio.

  They reached the pier and parked. They saw their cluster of friends already milling about a giant pile of wood on the beach. Clint grabbed the blankets out of the back and a canvas picnic bag containing two bottles of Jack Daniels and a bottle of Coke. “Got our supplies,” he raised the bag and he and Halle headed toward the group.

  When they arrived, the group cheered, “Now the party can start!” David shouted.

  The bonfire sprung to life. Clint cracked out his stash and added it to the significant amount of alcohol already in the cooler with ice. “Want one?” he nodded at Halle.

  “Make mine a big one!” she shouted and wrapped her arms around another girl sitting next to her. “Bring Shannon one too!”

  Clint came back with three red Solo cups filled with ice, coke, but mostly Jack. The three friends toasted and set in on getting hammered for the night.

  * * * * *

  “Want to head out?” Clint asked Halle.

  She looked at him. Her eyes were glassy and red. “What?”

  “Want to head back to the car?” He tried to make his inflection indicate he was thinking about their conversation on the way to the beach.

  “You go. Imma gonna sleep here,” Halle patted the sand and lay down.

  “You’re drunk. Come on, I will take you home.” Clint said as he tried to raise her to a sitting position.

  “Imma drunk and stoned” Halle corrected with a laugh. “I wanna sleep here!” Halle slumped in his arms. “Jackie will take me home in the morning. You love me Jackie, right!” Halle bellowed in the general direction of another girl making out with some guy out of range of the light of the dying bonfire.

  “At least let me get you home,” Clint began to get concerned.

  “Imma tired. Shhhhhh!” Halle pressed her finger to her lips. Her body then lurched forward and she threw up what appeared to be her own body weight on the beach.

  “You okay?” Clint asked as he handed her the edge of a beach towel.

  “Mmmmm… better.” Halle passed out on the blanket.

  Clint walked over to Jackie, stood over her and her date, and cleared his throat. “Um, sorry to interrupt. Can you take Halle home in the morning? I think she is staying here tonight.”

  Jackie broke from her make-out session, “Sure, sure. Just go. I got her,” she waved Clint away and returned to sucking her date’s cock.

  Clint returned to Jackie. She was snoring heavily on a blanket. He picked up the other blanket he brought, covered her, and headed for his car.

  * * * * *

  Clint pulled into the driveway. A few low lights were on in the living room and the blue glow of the television flickered in the window. He turned the key in the latch quietly and entered. He took off his shoes in the foyer and tried to tip-toe up the stairs.

  “That you Clint?” Stephania’s voice was soft from the living room.

  “Yeah. Going to bed.” He began to climb the stairs.

  “How was your date?” she asked.

  “Fine. Just hung with friends at the beach.” Clint just wanted to go to bed.

  Stephania padded into the grand dining room. She was wearing a thin black chemise with a lace inset in the back. It barely made it to the top of her thighs. Her long hair trailed over her shoulders and onto her breasts. “Get any?” she smiled at him.

  Clint shook his head and tried to look away. He turned to go up the stairs.

  “If you want a little inspiration for your alone time tonight, I downloaded a few movies. Feel free to check them out. I have them for 24 hour rentals.” She smiled and raised the glass of whiskey in her hand. She turned and walked back to the living room.

  Clint ascended the stairs and closed his bedroom door. He was conflicted as to what to do next. He had planned on just coming home and jerking off to thoughts of Halle, but being intercepted by his stepmom made him feel awkward about doing that when she knew that is what he was up too.

  He undressed and crawled into bed. He clicked through the options on his television. Netflix, HBO, Showtime, YouTube… nothing was grabbing his attention. The movie button on the television was lit up with “3” indicating t
here were three new movies to watch. Oh what the hell he thought and decided to see what Stephania had been entertaining herself with for the night.

  When the titles appeared, he had to read them twice. His options appeared to be “Bad MILFs,” “Indiana Bones and the Temple of Dommes,” and “Mommie Dommest.”

  “What the fuck?” he actually said out loud. He clicked on the first title. The description came up, “Bad MILFs: Four bad MILFs work together to seduce the seniors at Jack M High. Featuring Annie Anal in her first girl-girl scene and the expert deep throat work of Isabella Bonjour.” Clint smirked at the description.

  The second title offered, “Indiana Bones and the Temple of Dommes: Indie meets his match during an excavation of an Amazonian village. He faces six of the roughest Amazonian Dommes who try and destroy him through all varieties of exquisite tortures.” Clint couldn’t even imagine how that could be sexy.

  The pun in the third title missed him entirely. Its description read, “Mommie Dommest: Follow the adventures of Jaqueline Love as the evil stepmother as she puts her poor son Chris through his paces to earn his place in her heart.”

  Feeling lazy, Clint cliqued on Mommie Dommest just so he wouldn’t have to scroll up. The film was shot to look like a Technicolor movie, which irked Clint who was used to the high resolution porn he secretly downloaded on his iPad. The plot took forever to set up. Clint fast forwarded trying to find the sex scenes. With his free hand, he started to stroke himself under the covers. He hit play when he saw the actress walking next to the pool.

  The actress was a tall brunette wearing big sunglasses and a 1960s style bikini. Her “son” in the film was lying by the pool. She walked out, took off her top and asked him to rub sun block on her. Clint began to stroke himself faster when she finally showed her breasts.

  The son in the porn refused to rub lotion on his mother. The actress scolded him, and then made him bend over her knee. She pulled down the guy’s pants and delivers a sound spanking. Chris slowed his strokes.